October 21, 2011

Famous Basset Hound Friday # 35

This week's famous hound is a dear friend of mine. She is another basset blogger like Layla and Breezy and me. Her name is Annie Oakley, and like the famous human of the same name, she is a trick shot. I don't mean with guns - we hounds don't bother with those things - I mean with her belly rub achievements.

A master at work

Our buddy Annie lives in California, which is a big state with lots of beaches and sunshine. She goes on walks to the beach all the time. As I understand it there are things like dead fish and kelp and dead birds that wash up on the beach. If I were Annie I would roll in those things all the time. She also gets to eat fresh vegetables all the time. I wish we were so lucky, all we ever get is moist dog food mixed with kibble, plus lots of toys and playtime with daddy and mama, and car rides and... OK I guess we are pretty lucky too.

Anyway - Annie and her blog can be found here - you should go check her out sometime. She is our newest famous hound!


  1. Annie is honored to be featured! Her momma is kinda proud too ;) Thank you very much.

  2. Annie is a lovely hound. We love reading about her adventures at the beach and in the garden.

    She won that photo contest a while back and her Momma got a drawing of her as a prize, if I am not mistaken. She definitely deserves Famous Basset Hound Friday!!

  3. Yeah, Annie is famous!!! Very well deserved honor Annie!
